Webstudio is the most reliable domains registration company in Bangladesh. Buy any Top-Level Domain from our website and your domain will be registered instantly. Our domain price is cheaper than other domain registrars. We provide 100% domain ownership and full control panel for domain management.
FIND YOUR PERFECT DOMAIN NAME. Huge Choice. New Extensions. Low Prices Domain In Bangladesh. Register your perfect domain name today.
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Easy Domain Setup No Technical Skills
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Unlimited Sub Domains
Advanced DNS Controls
Multi-Year Registration
Domain Locking & Forwarding
Free 24×7/365 Support
Our Available Domain Pricing
Check the detailed pricing of the top-level and most popular TLDs Buy Domain from BD at cheaper price
visit our site And know Domain Name price in Bangladesh, Buy your chosen domain name from Bangladesh. If you want to buy domain in Bangladesh at a cheap rate, Trust Soft BD can provide it to you. We provide all common international domain .com .net .org. info. us. uk. me. tv and other TLD. Domain in Bangladesh is now easy to register as web studio provides you 24/7 online domain registration service. You can make us payment online by Bkash and activate your domain instantly without calling us. We have also .bd domain registration service. Our Domain registration service Best in bangladesh. We Provide Domain registration service since 2011.
We Provide Free Domain hosting in Bangladesh with our every Web design Service.
Facing problem with your domain related issues?
Honest Advice
We give you honest advice based on your need and our experience.
We have Simple Domain Management system.
Affordable Prices
After long time research we have made our packages reliable.
Don’t worry! We have support premium 24/7/365
24/7 Customer Support
Get customer support via ticket, mail, phone and live chat.
Our Address
web studio
345,South Goran, Khilgaon, Dhaka-1219
Phone: +8801614895960
E-mail: info@webstudio.com.bd
Website: webstudio.com.bd